Realistic Acrylic All-Access Membership

Access to All the Courses Within Realistic Acrylic Portrait School Plus Critiques to Keep You on Track

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Overcome the Frustration of Painting Alone. Get Step-by-Step Lessons & Personalized Help When You Feel Stuck!

Do you need more help with...

  • guidance on specific brush techniques?
  • picking the right colors?
  • mixing skin tones that aren't muddy?
  • getting the likeness?
  • making hair that looks real?
  • making the mouth and lips look right?
  • creating textures on the face?
  • how EXACTLY to add detail to the portrait?
  • and a lot of other things that can be frustrating when you don't have help!

Would you like...

  • specific questions answered about brushes, paints, mediums, etc.?
  • expert guidance on your portrait when you feel stuck?
  • and a community of artists to cheer you on and help you paint your very best portrait?

Get More Out of the Portrait Painting Challenge.

Join Realistic Acrylic All-Access Membership and Receive:

  • Instant 24/7 access to 17 acrylic painting courses, including my comprehensive Masterclass, "Paint Your First Amazing Acrylic Portrait," which shows you the entire process of painting an acrylic portrait you can be proud of, with step-by-step video lessons and theory to back it up. Dive deeper into your technique, overcome obstacles, and learn how to do specific things in your portrait better. 50+ hours of video instruction to help you become a master portrait painter. New classes will be opened up here at the school in the future, and you'll get access to all of them. MOBILE FRIENDLY LESSONS--look great on your phone or tablet.
  • Complete Masterclass lessons for our Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge all in one place, to help you paint your best portrait, without distraction. (YouTube videos are good, but the video playback quality here is much clearer, and works seamlessly on your phone or tablet)

  • BONUS VIDEOS from our six previous Portrait Challenge paintings of "Larry," "Maka," "Cora", "Jess, "Monochromatic Man" and "Diane Howe"
  • Ability to post your portrait painting progress in the comments section within the school and get precise feedback from me and answers to your questions.
  • Access to personalized one-to-one video critiques (on Student and Apprentice Membership Levels). I'll help you overcome any problems areas in your painting: likeness of facial features, shading, skin tones, texture, etc and show you on screen, with audio explanations, exactly what to do next, so you can feel confident as you work.

  • Weekly Group Critiques where you can hang out with me and a group of fantastic, encouraging artists every week on Zoom, discuss your portrait and how to improve it.
  • NEW! Members-only Facebook group, a community of like-minded artists to help you and cheer you on
  • Ability to cancel or pause the membership anytime. Life can be unexpected! You can always start up your membership again when it's good for you.

Get started now!

My goal is to help you paint a beautiful portrait of your family and friends, or help launch you into doing commissioned art for a living or profitable side-hobby!

Get the Support You Need to Paint a Portrait You Can Feel Good About!

Realistic Acrylic All-Access Membership will give you the training, encouragement, and support you need to become the best version of you—a confident acrylic portrait artist who generously blesses others with the amazing talent God gave you.

Join today and paint your best portrait ever. I look forward to helping you on the journey!

Yours for Better Portraits,

Join now!

Portrait of "Lockdown Larry" from our Spring Portrait Challenge, that I teach how to paint here in the school...

And Here's the Portrait of "Maka" from our Fall Portrait Challenge. In the membership, I have 7+ hours of bonus videos to help you achieve more realism and finish your portrait well!

And of course, all the bonus videos for this portrait of "Cora," showing you exactly how to achieve a high level of realism in your own portrait!

And we have bonus videos for this portrait of "Monochromatic Man," showing you exactly how to paint a black and white painting confidently, using the acrylic glazing technique...

The Portrait of Diane that we just did for the Challenge? Yes, we have the Bonus Videos for that painting, too!

Here's What Some of My Students Are Saying...

"Most of my artwork is commissioned custom portraits. I have painted in oils and acrylics over the years, but not in the method taught by Matt. I am excited to try the glazing method, as I have wanted to do it for a long time. I am currently taking Matt's courses (I signed up for the "all access" membership -- it is well worth it). He is a good teacher, besides being a phenomenal artist, and the money is well spent, IMO. I am soaking up as much knowledge of his technique as I can, because I have an upcoming commission in acrylic, and want to try the glazing method." —Gloria Pinsker

"...I wanted to thank-you for the warm words that I heard in this lesson. I recognize the story of one of your students that is painting her sons portrait and how I have progressed so much. I believe you’re talking about me right? You made me cry!!! Thanks so much for your encouragement and coaching . You never criticized negatively, you always encouraged with positive words even though I was far from doing it right! For that…thank-you! It is your encouraging words that got me this far. But I still Have lots to learn." —Diane Bruyere

"I just want to say thank you for sharing your expertise and for all your encouragement it is a great value and blessing. Since I've started this challenge my family and friends have also noticed immediately an improvement in my paintings! So you are highly respected in this neck of the woods! I am learning" —Jennifer Arnold

"Hey Matt My paintings are going great, thanks mostly to your portrait course I had the pleasure of doing . I am now doing commissioned portraits , something I never dreamed I would be work has improved to say the least. I am doing my 10th portrait since taking your portrait course. It’s amazing! Thanks again .....please keep posting your videos , it’s always a blessing..... praise God!...Keith" 🎨 —Keith Foss

"It is more than worth joining all access. You will be giving yourself the best Christmas present."—Diana Heinbuch

JOIN ALL-ACCESS MEMBERSHIP TODAY and get instant access to all the courses and critiques! (You can cancel anytime.)

I look forward to seeing you inside!

Get started now!

"I have a very beautiful portrait now..."

Listen to Priya share about her experience painting her first successful portrait. She is now doing steady commissioned portrait work as a result of her efforts applying my techniques!

"Family members have begun to say, 'Wow, you're really improving!'"

Roland, an All-Access Member, has just begun portrait painting and already his family has commented on how much he's grown as an artist.

"I've been wanting to do this for years..."

My student Bobbie shares how, after painting on and off for 10 years, she has finally painted a portrait she is pleased with!

Your Instructor

Matt Philleo
Matt Philleo

Since 1993, Matt has been painting portraits in acrylic, both on commission and for exhibition at art shows. In the last few years, he has been teaching students locally and worldwide how to use their God-given gifts and create beautiful paintings they can be proud to show. Currently, he lives in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin with his wife and three children. When he's not painting or teaching, he enjoys spending time with God, his family, and enjoying nature.

Courses Included with Purchase

Paint Your First Amazing Acrylic Portrait (Beta)
​Step-by-Step Instruction to Take You from a Blank Canvas to Your Own Acrylic Portrait Masterpiece
Matt Philleo
Shade With Acrylic Like a Master
Learn how to confidently blend colors and values in acrylic to achieve three dimensional realism
Matt Philleo
Paint a Portrait of "A Quiet Afternoon Nap"
Let Me Demonstrate How to Paint a Heartwarming Portrait of a Boy and Dog Sleeping, Step-by-Step
Matt Philleo
"Get Unstuck" Personal Video Critiques ARCHIVES
Watch previously recorded critiques and learn by example how to make your portrait better
Matt Philleo
Paint Realistic Wrinkles in Acrylic (Beta)
Learn how to paint wrinkles convincingly in acrylic, step-by-step, so you can make your portrait look amazingly real
Matt Philleo
Paint an 8 x 10 Freehand Portrait of a Young Woman
Learn how to paint a 6-hour 8" x 10" portrait of a woman FREEHAND, using the acrylic glazing technique, step-by-step!
Matt Philleo
Make Your Own Reference Photo Holder
Improve Your Realism by Creating a Cardboard Holder to Keep Your Tablet with Reference Photos Close to Your Easel
Matt Philleo
Paint Lifelike Skin Tones in Acrylic--VIP Version
Learn how to paint realistic skin tones in your acrylic portraits with five interactive workshops together as a course
Matt Philleo
Paint a Large Acrylic Portrait with Glazes
Watch over my shoulder as I paint a huge 48" x 72" acrylic portrait in progress, using the glazing technique
Matt Philleo
Paint a Colonial Portrait in Acrylic, Step-by-Step
Learn how to paint a portrait with full length people and a beautiful country background, using the acrylic glazing technique
Matt Philleo
How I Became a Full-Time Artist and Instructor
Matt Philleo
Realistic Acrylic Student Forum
A Place Where You Can Ask Questions, Get Specific Help and Advice on All Things Acrylic Portrait Painting
Matt Philleo
Spring 2020 Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Master Class—Premium Version
Paint a Portrait of "Larry," the Man with the Hat, from Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge, Start to Finish With My Step-by-Step Video Lessons
Matt Philleo
Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Spring 2020 Contest
Enter Your Portrait of "Larry," the Man With the Hat, to WIN $250 in Prizes
Matt Philleo
LIVE Weekly Group Critique Sessions
Get Your Questions Answered LIVE and Get Precise Feedback on Your Portraits From Me and Your Fellow Students
Anna May N. Betua
Paint Beautiful Hair in Your Acrylic Portrait
Learn, step-by-step, how to sketch and paint hair that looks amazingly real, so you can start your next portrait with confidence!
Matt Philleo
Fall 2020 Portrait Challenge Masterclass Lessons—Premium Version
Learn how to paint an acrylic portrait, step-by-step, with me and other artists, of "Maka," a beautiful woman featuring dark skin tones!
Matt Philleo
Make Your Reference Photos Fantastic With Photoshop
I'll show you how to use Photoshop to adjust color, skin tones, combine images and more on your reference photo, so you can create a more realistic portrait!
Matt Philleo
Spring 2021 Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Master Class—Premium Version
Paint a Realistic Acrylic Portrait with Bonus Video Footage
Matt Philleo
Achieve Mastery in Your Acrylic Portrait—Archived Mentoring Sessions
Access Previous Recordings of the Mentoring Sessions to Remind Yourself of What You've Already Learned
Matt Philleo
Fix Muddy Skin Tones in Your Acrylic Portrait
A two-hour intensive workshop that teaches you EXACTLY how to FIX muddy skin tones, blotchiness, and more in your acrylic portrait, so that it looks realistic
Matt Philleo
7 Steps to Building an Incredible Acrylic Portrait
How to know what parts of your portrait are most important, what to focus on, and when, so you can paint the best portrait possible!
Matt Philleo
Get Unstuck One-to-One Video Critiques
Get a personalized, unique video critique to help you overcome any mistakes or frustration and finish your painting with confidence!
Matt Philleo
Fall 2021 Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Master Class Premium Version
Complete, Step-by-Step Video Instruction on How to Paint a Beautiful Portrait on Hardboard
Matt Philleo
Spring 2022 Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Master Class Premium Version
Matt Philleo
Spring 2023 Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Master Class—Premium Version
Matt Philleo
Paint Beautiful Landscape Backgrounds in Your Acrylic Portrait
Matt Philleo
Paint an Amazing Acrylic Portrait
Step-by-Step Video Class to Take You From a Blank Canvas to Your Own Acrylic Portrait Masterpiece...Even if You're a Complete Beginner!
Matt Philleo
Winter 2025 Acrylic Portrait Painting Challenge Master Class
Learn how to paint a portrait of a rider and horse in the snow, with a beautiful mountain background! You'll learn how to contrast cool colors and warm colors, create various textures, shapes and realism, using the acrylic glazing technique!
Matt Philleo

Original Price: $5,675

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I able to cancel this membership if I need to?
Yes, absolutely! You can cancel your membership at any time within your personal student page. It only takes a couple of mouse clicks and you're done. I'd hate to see you go, but you would always be welcome to rejoin again if you'd like!
If I'm not happy with the membership, may I request a refund?
Yes! Within the first 30 days, if you are not happy with the membership for any reason, you may certainly contact me and request a refund. I want this to be completely risk-free for you!
How many critiques do I get as a member?
This depends on the level of membership you sign up for. With the "Workshop Level" you can join the LIVE Weekly Group Critiques. With the "Student Level" you get the Group + ONE personal critique every month. Finally, with the "Apprentice Level" you may request up to FOUR critiques every month and also a 30-minute LIVE coaching session with me. Choose the membership level that works best for you!
Do I get access to the all of the class lessons right away?
Yes! You get instant 24/7 access to all the lessons and can watch them as often as you want, all through streaming video.
Can I purchase a membership as a gift?
Yes, not a problem! After you sign up for the membership, contact me: [email protected], and I will set up the membership so that you can give it as a gift.
Is there a discount when I purchase an annual subscription to the membership vs. monthly?
Yes! On all the membership levels, you will get the equivalent of one month free by going with an annual subscription.
When are the membership fees deducted out of my account?
They are deducted at the same time each month, based on the day of the month that you signed up.
How do I get a hold of you when I need help?
You can get a hold of me within the school by requesting a critique or posting a question. Some of my students also contact me via email or even FB messenger!
How often do you post new courses?
Although I am aiming to put out a new course every month, I can usually get one finished about every quarter. My goal for 2021 is to post some smaller tutorials, more often, on painting individual facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc) to help my students cain confidence in those areas.
Can I download the lessons?
Unfortunately, no, not at this time. The lessons are available though, 24/7 through live stream video, and you can watch them on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Download the Teachable app to make your experience watching my lessons even sweeter!
Can I make payment with Paypal?
Yes! Simply contact me ([email protected]) and I will set up a recurring invoice on Paypal and then upon payment, grant you access to the classes.

Get started now!